5 Common Dental Questions a Hygienist Hears
We love answering your questions!
Our dental hygienists are an asset to the Ellensburg Dental team. They help our patients feel comfortable during their treatments, deliver quality care, and get to know them on a personal level. Thus, we’re sharing the five most common questions our dental hygienists hear, and their responses.
5 Common Questions a Dental Hygeniest Hears
If you’ve ever wondered what type of toothpaste to use or why your gums itch, you’re not alone. Many of the patients we see have similar questions about their dental health. These questions are great, and we’d like to share some of them with you so you can be better informed about your overall oral health too!
Why are my teeth sensitive?
How can I get whiter teeth?
What kind of toothpaste should I use?
Why do my gums bleed or itch?
However, sometimes patients’ mouths are simply more prone to bacteria buildup because they have restorations like fillings, crowns or bridges that attract bacterial plaques due to their nature. Poorly-contoured restorations and crowded or tilted teeth make it harder to clean your teeth, resulting in bacterial build-ups. Patients with chronic inflammation and increased pocketing under their gums offer bacteria a place to hide. This is why it’s so important to get your teeth professionally cleaned twice a year because your dentist and hygienist can remove this bacteria buildup and take preventative measures against infection.
Why do I have calculus and tartar buildup?

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