We’re remodeling and expanding to meet the growing needs of our community! As the only Federally Qualified Community Health Center in Kittitas County, we offer a full spectrum of family health services to our patients regardless of ability to pay.
Here’s where we’re headed:
By year end we will have expanded our hours to 7AM to 7PM Monday through Saturday and added 4 medical professionals to our staff in the form of 2 Nurse Practitioners and 2 Medical Assistants
We will have doubled our Pharmacy space
We’ll have the ability to perform Ultrasound on site
Phase One:
The WIC Services have moved to their own location next door.
The Pharmacy is temporarily moving into the old WIC space while the new expanded Pharmacy is being completed.
Phase Two:
When the new Pharmacy space is ready, the Pharmacy will move into that area and the former WIC section will become our new Expanded Hours Clinic.
Stay tuned for news and pictures of these exciting changes and in the meantime, forgive the hammering!