Meet Jessica Bruner, DO
Family Medicine
Jessica’s History

Medical School: University of North Health Science Center Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine at Fort Worth.
Medical Experience: CWFM-R1
Philosophy of Care: I believe as a primary care Doctor; we should try our best at preventing ailments before they happen and treat the body as a whole.
I aspire to..practice family medicine. Family has always been the most important part of my life, so it was not a difficult decision to choose family medicine as my specialty. I am interested in Women’s Health, OMT and Preventative Medicine.
Bio: Originally from California, I attended UC Santa Cruz graduating summa cum laude in Molecular, cell, and developmental biology. After which I embarked on the difficult but rewarding journey to complete medical school at UNTHSC Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine at Fort Worth. When choosing a location for residency, I wanted to be back closer to family and loved ones, whilst also providing an impact on a community in need. When I came upon Central Washington Family Medicine Program. I fell in love with the small community.