It’s Important to Keep Up with Vaccinations
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have new procedures and protocols to keep visits safe, so you can keep up with all your vaccinations
Why Do You Need a Flu Shot?
Influenza is a potentially serious disease that can lead to hospitalization and sometimes even death. Every flu season is different, and influenza infection can affect people differently, but millions of people get flu every year, hundreds of thousands of people are hospitalized and thousands to tens of thousands of people die from flu-related causes every year.
September and October are the best times to be vaccinated to achieve immunity throughout the flu season, though getting the shot later is better than not at all.
It takes two weeks after your flu shot to achieve full immunity, so steer clear until then of anyone who has flu symptoms.
9 Facts About the Flu You Should Know
1. Flu season is between October and May
2. The flu is contagious before symptoms start
3. Flu symptoms can start abruptly
4. You need a new flu vaccine every year
5. The flu vaccine doesn’t cause the flu
6. The flu can cause life-threatening complications
7. You can still get the flu after a vaccination
8. There are different types of flu vaccines
9. It takes up to two weeks for the flu vaccine to work
New Vaccination Protocols and Procedures
Below are some common concerns when it comes to the COVID-19 pandemic. Here are our responses to those concerns, and if you have any additional questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to us!

Designating locations for well visits only
We have implemented car curbside visits for patients with symptoms, obstetrician patients, and we have pharmacy pick up!

Screening patients
Screening questions are asked when scheduling pateints, as well as screening patients at the door with questions, and a temperature check before you enter.

Waiting room changes
We have removed some seating to allow for social distancing, even amongst family members. We are also limiting how many people can come with the patient.

Facial covering policy
You are required to wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth when entering our clinics.

Plastic barrier
Implemented plastic surface for our check in/check out employees that are wiped down.

Masks for employees
Gave out reusable masks to employees that were made/donated by patients and other groups.

Additional cleaning efforts
UV lights in rooms that were closed down per protocol, revisited with cleaning company and reviewed products they were using.

Telehealth and telephone visits were implemented
You can have a live visit with your Provider in your home via your phone, tablet or computer.

Limiting Visitors
We encourage limiting visitors accompanying patients to those needed to support the patients care. We ask that no one else joins.