It’s Important to Keep Up with Vaccinations

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have new procedures and protocols to keep visits safe, so you can keep up with all your vaccinations

Why Does Your Child Need a Flu Shot?

Children younger than 5 years old, especially those younger than 2, are at high risk of developing serious flu-related complications. A flu vaccine offers the best defense against flu and its potentially serious consequences.

Flu illness is more dangerous than the common cold for children. Each year, millions of children get sick with seasonal flu; thousands of children are hospitalized, and some children die from flu. Children commonly need medical care because of flu, especially children younger than 5 years old.

September and October are the best times to be vaccinated to achieve immunity throughout the flu season, though getting the shot later is better than not at all.

It takes two weeks after your flu shot to achieve full immunity, so steer clear until then of anyone who has flu symptoms.

9 Facts About the Flu You Should Know


1. Flu season is between October and May


2. The flu is contagious before symptoms start


3. Flu symptoms can start abruptly


4. You need a new flu vaccine every year


5. The flu vaccine doesn’t cause the flu


6. The flu can cause life-threatening complications


7. You can still get the flu after a vaccination


8. There are different types of flu vaccines


9. It takes up to two weeks for the flu vaccine to work

New Vaccination Protocols and Procedures 

Below are some common concerns when it comes to the COVID-19 pandemic. Here are our responses to those concerns, and if you have any additional questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to us!

Separating illness visits from sick visits

We do our wellness visits and non-illness visits in the morning and early afternoon. Certain illness and follow up visits are done via telehealth (when possible). Curbside visits are done based on symptoms or exposure, other types of illnesses are seen in the afternoon. 

Screening patients

Screening questions are asked when scheduling pateints, as well as screening patients at the door with questions, and a temperature check before you enter. Based on answers, appointments may be moved to curbside or telehealth (if they do not meet criteria for our wellness clinic)

Designated locations

We have a separate entrance for newborns. Curbside visits are done for COVID evaluation or anyone with suspected illness or exposure.

Telehealth and telephone visits were implemented

You can have a live visit with your Provider in your home via your phone, tablet or computer.

Waiting room changes

We spread out our waiting room. Schedules were adjusted so we have less patients in the waiting room at the same time.

Facial covering policy

You are required to wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth when entering our clinics.

Plastic barrier

Implemented plastic surface for our check in/check out employees that are wiped down.

Masks for employees

Gave out reusable masks to employees that were made/donated by patients and other groups.